How To Buy Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund (NJV) Stock

How To Buy NJV

Note: We couldn't find the current stock price for NJV which usually means that the stock is delisted or no longer available for purchase. Please do your own due diligence before continuing.

Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund (NJV) is a fund listed on the NYSE exchange, which means you can buy the stock from most online brokers. Follow the steps below to learn how to purchase shares of NJV.

  1. Find a reliable broker.

    Don't worry, it's easy and free to open a brokerage account. Below are our favorite brokers where you can buy Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund from:

    View All Recommended Brokers
  2. Fund your new account.

    You'll need to transfer money into your new brokerage account before you can buy the stock. Transferring via a bank transfer is recommended and the most common way to fund an account. Some brokers might allow funding via a debit or credit card.

  3. Search for NJV.

    When your funds are settled into your account, look for Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund on your broker by searching for the company name: Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund or the ticker symbol: NJV.

  4. Buy the stock.

    Once that you've found Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund on your broker, submit a purchase order to buy shares of the stock (currently $0.00 a share). Depending on when you purchase, the stock might be higher or lower than the price listed. You may also be able to purchase fractional shares depending on your broker.

    Once your order gets fulfilled, you've purchased your first shares of Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund.

    Tips When Buying

    When submitting your order, you may choose to buy shares of Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund at the market price with a market order or at a set price using a limit order.

    • Market order: Buys the stock immediately at its current price.
    • Limit order: Buys the stock only once it reaches your target price.

    By default all purchases are considered market orders unless specified otherwise. Limit orders are great for when you only want to buy shares of NJV at a specific price.

Should You Buy NJV Stock Now?

We couldn't find the current stock price for NJV which usually means that the stock is no longer listed. Sometimes unlisted stocks can still be purchased on the OTC market, depending on the reason for the unlisting.

However, you should look up why NJV is no longer listed on NYSE before considering buying - if the stock is still available for purchase, that is.

NJV Stock Performance

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  • Current price: N/A
  • Yesterday's price: N/A
  • Price Change (Last 24 Hours): N/A
  • Price Change (Last 14 Days): N/A
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