Best Performing Stock Watchlists of April 2024

List of the Best Performing Stock Watchlists in the Past Day, Week, and Month.

Average Watchlist

The average stock watchlist is up ▲3.03% today.

Create an account or log in to compare your own watchlist.

Top Performing Watchlists

The top 10% of watchlists on average is up ▲6.59% today.

Worst Performing Watchlists

The bottom 10% of watchlists on average is up ▲0.48% today.

Top 10 Watchlists Of The Day

  1. Watchlist #1 +78.49%

    by amina
  2. Watchlist #2 +47.84%

    by garbacon
  3. Watchlist #3 +43.84%

    by biotechchap
  4. Watchlist #4 +42.21%

    by covoras
  5. Watchlist #5 +25.93%

    by vegax
  6. Watchlist #6 +23.89%

    by notabagholder
  7. Watchlist #7 +22.30%

    by ninja4thegains
  8. Watchlist #8 +19.04%

    by ashlynnicole09
  9. Watchlist #9 +14.66%

    by dougie1983
  10. Watchlist #10 +14.16%

    by nkboan