Institutional Ownership
There are no institutional owners of JPMorgan High Yield Research Enhanced ETF (JPHY).
Institution Ownership Chart
No institutional data found.
Latest Institutional Ownership Changes
No institutional ownership data for JPHY.
Top Institutions
There are no institutional holders.
$JPHY rocket fuel tanks are full. Gonna shoot to the stars
$JPHY come on I wana jump up and down
$JPHY this is my only green stonk!
I really like this stonk.
$JPHY buy and HODL
$JPHY Starting a small position
$JPHY Futes looking great
$JPHY we need more volume
$JPHY we need those buyers and volume.
$JPHY tomorrow im gunna have a fucking good day regardless if its red or green. Red is buy green is hodl.
$JPHY buy the dip…smfh