Qwest Corp. NT (CTBB) Options

10.38 ↑0.27 (2.67%)
As of July 26, 2024, 3:57pm EST.

CTBB Max Pain

No options data found for CTBB

CTBB Max Pain Distribution Chart

No options data found.

Option Chain

The option chain for Qwest Corp. NT on December 31st.

No option chain data found for CTBB


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$CTBB buy and hodl friends. we may be early
but we are not wrong. very soon.

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$CTBB today will be a nice green day LFG!!!

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$CTBB they don’t want us to shine… But we gon shine…

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$CTBB longer we hold
more pressure on the shorts

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$CTBB money comes and goes but your story stays with you the rest of your life. Apes for life ??

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