The Top 30 Trending Stocks on WallstreetBets

We’ve just expanded our WallstreetBets Trend Tracker to now show the top 30 trending stocks on WallstreetBets (WSB) instead of 10. Sort through even more stocks on WSB with this new feature. 

With the WSB Reddit community ever-growing, we’ve felt that the previous top 10 list is no longer a good representation of the trending stocks being discussed on the forum. 

In the future, we may even expand the list past the top 30 if the WallstreetBets community continues to grow. However at the moment, our algorithm believes that any stock ranked lower than position 30 is not worth looking at.

Why is our WallstreetBets Tracker the Best?

Our WallstreetBets tracker does not simply count the number of mentions a stock/ticker receives on WSB like many others, we utilize an A.I. algorithm to score each stock in real-time based on exposure, recency, post quality, and a multitude of other data points to figure out which stock users are buying and talking about.

Don’t miss out on the next multi-bagger, use and share our real-time WallstreetBets tracker today.

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