Litman Gregory Funds Trust (PCIG) Historical Stock Data

10.06 ↓0.02 (-0.25%)
As of December 31, 1969, 7:00pm EST.

Historical Data

In the past 30 trading days, PCIG is up 0.03% a day on average. There have been 18 days where Litman Gregory Funds Trust closed green and 12 days where PCIG closed red.

2025-02-1410.0910.06↓$0.03 (-0.30%)10.0610.115.49K
2025-02-1310.0210.08↑$0.06 (0.61%)10.0210.08822
2025-02-129.939.97↑$0.04 (0.40%)9.879.972.60K
2025-02-119.929.95↑$0.03 (0.30%)9.929.952.40K
2025-02-109.909.92↑$0.02 (0.23%)9.909.944.94K
2025-02-079.919.81↓$0.11 (-1.06%)9.799.9186.45K
2025-02-069.879.93↑$0.06 (0.59%)9.879.973.61K
2025-02-059.829.87↑$0.05 (0.51%)9.829.9112.13K
2025-02-049.809.79↓$0.01 (-0.11%)9.779.8010.05K
2025-02-039.589.65↑$0.07 (0.68%)9.579.6815.30K
2025-01-319.849.73↓$0.11 (-1.16%)9.739.852.16K
2025-01-309.769.77↑$0.01 (0.15%)9.769.835.28K
2025-01-299.669.68↑$0.02 (0.17%)9.669.703.31K
2025-01-289.639.73↑$0.10 (1.04%)9.619.735.75K
2025-01-279.599.59↑$0.01 (0.08%)9.599.590.97K
2025-01-249.649.62↓$0.02 (-0.21%)9.629.643.94K
2025-01-239.559.57↑$0.02 (0.26%)9.559.570.94K
2025-01-229.619.56↓$0.05 (-0.50%)9.569.611.85K
2025-01-219.459.53↑$0.07 (0.76%)9.459.541.51K
2025-01-179.389.34↓$0.04 (-0.43%)9.339.383.27K
2025-01-169.299.32↑$0.03 (0.32%)9.299.361.46K
2025-01-159.319.23↓$0.08 (-0.85%)9.239.313.23K
2025-01-149.109.11↑$0.01 (0.09%)
2025-01-139.079.10↑$0.03 (0.33%)
2025-01-109.219.17↓$0.04 (-0.43%)
2025-01-089.239.27↑$0.04 (0.40%)9.239.27462
2025-01-079.339.25↓$0.08 (-0.88%)9.259.333.22K
2025-01-069.299.27↓$0.02 (-0.20%)9.269.3213.39K
2025-01-039.159.17↑$0.01 (0.16%)
2025-01-029.109.09↓$0.01 (-0.11%)
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$PCIG just bought a half position.

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$PCIG I’m selling y’all have fun bag holding

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$PCIG almost time for the running

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$PCIG green is good

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$PCIG tomorrow im gunna have a fucking good day regardless if its red or green. Red is buy green is hodl.

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