Alphabet Inc Class C (GOOG) Options

168.68 ↓0.48 (-0.28%)
As of July 26, 2024, 3:59pm EST.

GOOG Max Pain

The max pain for GOOG on August 2nd, 2024 is $177.

Alphabet Inc Class C is currently $168.68 which is -4.70% lower than its max pain. According to the max pain theory, Alphabet Inc Class C will likely gravitate higher closer to $177 by August 2nd.

Outlook: Positive

GOOG Max Pain Distribution Chart

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Option Chain

The option chain for Alphabet Inc Class C on August 2nd.


StrikeLast PriceBreakevenBidAskVolumeOpen InterestIVDeltaGammaThetaVegaTheoretical Value
Loading option chain data... this might take a few seconds.


StrikeLast PriceBreakevenBidAskVolumeOpen InterestIVDeltaGammaThetaVegaTheoretical Value
Loading option chain data... this might take a few seconds.
Updated as of market close on July 26th


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$GOOG still bullish

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$GOOG damn lots of volume came after hours just now
what the?

0 Like Report

$GOOG lfg!!! So much movement ! Buy n hodl!

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$GOOG whelp. you win this round. goodluck

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